JAAS Documentation

JAAS is an enterprise layer on top of Juju.

JAAS provides:

When you use an existing Juju on Kubernetes controller to deploy JIMM and its dependencies, and then connect your Juju controllers to JIMM, you gain the ability to:

  • use OIDC authentication for integration with your existing identity provider for federated login, service accounts and other features offered by identity providers;

  • use ReBAC for authorisation;

  • use the Juju CLI, Juju Dashboard, and the Terraform Provider for Juju to interact with multiple Juju controllers from a single point of contact.

If you want to take Juju to the enterprise level, you need JAAS.

In this documentation

Start here: a hands-on introduction to Juju for new users


Step-by-step guides covering key operations and common tasks

How-to guides

Technical information - specifications, APIs, architecture


Discussion and clarification of key topics


Project and community

JAAS is a member of the Ubuntu family and warmly welcomes community contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback.