Using constraints

A constraint is a user-defined minimum hardware specification for a machine that is spawned by Juju. There are a total of nine types of constraint, with the most common ones being 'mem', 'cores', 'root-disk', and 'arch'. The definitive constraint resource is found on the Reference: Juju constraints page.

Several noteworthy constraint characteristics:

  • A constraint can be specified whenever a new machine is spawned with commands bootstrap, deploy, or add-machine.
  • Some constraints are only supported by certain clouds.
  • When used with deploy the constraint becomes the application's default constraint.
  • Multiple constraints are logically AND'd (i.e. the machine must satisfy all constraints).
  • When used in conjunction with a placement directive (--to option), the placement directive takes precedence.

Clouds and constraints

The idealized use case is that of stipulating a constraint when deploying an application and the backing cloud providing a machine with those exact resources. In the majority of cases, however, default constraints may have been set (at various levels) and the cloud may be unable to supply those exact resources.

When the backing cloud is unable to precisely satisfy a constraint, the resulting system's resources will exceed the constraint-defined minimum. However, if the cloud cannot satisfy a constraint at all then an error will be emitted and a machine will not be provisioned.

Constraints and LXD containers

Constraints can be applied to LXD containers (v.2.4.1) either when they're running directly upon a LXD cloud type or when hosted on a Juju machine (residing on any cloud type). However, with containers, constraints are interpreted as resource maximums as opposed to minimums.

In the absence of constraints, a container will, by default, have access to all of the underlying system's resources.

LXD constraints also honour instance type names from either AWS, Azure, or GCE (e.g. AWS type 't2.micro' maps to 1 CPU and 1 GiB of memory). When used in combination with specific CPU/MEM constraints the latter values will override corresponding instance type values.

Constraint scopes, defaults, and precedence

Constraints can be applied to various levels or scopes. Defaults can be set on some of them, and in the case of overlapping configurations a precedence is adhered to. Changing a default does not affect existing machines.

On a per-controller basis, the following constraint scopes exist:

  • Controller machine
  • All models
  • Single model
  • Single application
  • All units of an application
  • Single machine

So a constraint can apply to any of the above. We will see how to target each later on.

Among the scopes, default constraints can be set for each with the exception of the controller and single machines.

The all-units scope has its default set dynamically. It is the possible constraint used in the initial deployment of an application.

The following precedence is observed (in order of priority):

  • Machine
  • Application (and its units)
  • Model
  • All models

For instance, if a default constraint ('mem') applies to a single model and the same constraint has been stipulated when adding a machine (add-machine) within that model then the machine's constraint value will be applied.

The dynamic default for units can be overridden by either setting the application's default or by adding a machine with a constraint and then applying the new unit to that machine.

Setting constraints for a controller

Constraints are applied to the controller during its creation using the --bootstrap-constraints option:

juju bootstrap --bootstrap-constraints cores=2 google

Here, we want to ensure that the controller has at least two CPUs.

See Creating a controller for details and further examples.

Note: Constraints applied with '--bootstrap-constraints' will automatically apply to any future controllers provisioned for high availability. See Controller high availability.

Setting constraints for the initial 'controller' and 'default' models

Constraints can be applied to every machine (controller and non-controller) in the 'controller' and 'default' models. This is done, again, during the controller-creation process, but by using the --constraints option instead:

juju bootstrap --constraints mem=4G aws

See Creating a controller for more guidance.

Important: Individual constraints from --bootstrap-constraints override any identical constraints from --constraints if these options are used in combination.

For the LXD cloud, the following invocation will place a limit of 2GiB of memory for each machine:

juju bootstrap --constraints mem=2G localhost

Setting and displaying constraints for a model

A model's constraints are set, thereby affecting any subsequent machines in that model, with the set-model-constraints command:

juju set-model-constraints mem=4G

For the LXD cloud, all new machines in the current model will be limited to an instance type of 'c5.large' (2 CPU and 4 GiB):

juju set-model-constraints instance-type=c5.xlarge

A model's constraints are displayed with the get-model-constraints command:

juju get-model-constraints

A model's constraints can be reset by assigning the null value to it:

juju set-model-constraints mem=

Setting, displaying, and updating constraints for an application

Constraints at the application level can be set at deploy time, via the deploy command. To deploy the 'mariadb' charm to a machine that has at least 4 GiB of memory:

juju deploy mariadb --constraints mem=4G

To deploy MySQL on a machine that has at least 6 GiB of memory and 2 CPUs:

juju deploy mysql --constraints "mem=6G cores=2"

Note: Multiple constraints are space-separated and placed within quotation marks.

To deploy Apache and ensure its machine will have 4 GiB of memory (or more) as well as ignore a possible cores constraint (previously set at either the model or application level):

juju deploy apache2 --constraints "mem=4G cores=" 

For the LXD cloud, we deploy PostgreSQL using a combination of an instance type and a specific CPU constraint. Instance 'c5.large' maps to 2 CPU and 4 GiB but the specific memory constraint of 3.5 GiB yields a machine with 2 CPUs and 3.5 GiB of memory:

juju deploy postgresql --constraints "instance-type=c5.large mem=3.5G"

To deploy Zookeeper to a new LXD container (on a new machine) limited by 5 GiB of memory and 2 CPUs:

juju deploy zookeeper --constraints "mem=5G cores=2" --to lxd

An application's current constraints are displayed with the get-constraints command:

juju get-constraints mariadb

An application's constraints are updated, thereby affecting any additional units, with the set-constraints command:

juju set-constraints mariadb cores=2

An application's default cannot be set until the application has been deployed.

Note: Both the get-constraints and set-constraints commands work with application custom names. See Deploying applications for how to set a custom name.

Setting constraints when adding a machine

Constraints at the machine level can be set when adding a machine with the add-machine command. Doing so provides a way to override defaults at the all-units, application, model, and all-models levels.

Once such a machine has been provisioned it can be used for an initial deployment (deploy) or a scale out deployment (add-unit). See Deploying to specific machines for the command syntax to use.

A machine can be added that satisfies a constraint in this way:

juju add-machine --constraints arch=arm

To add a machine that is connected to a space, such as 'storage':

juju add-machine --constraints spaces=storage

If a space constraint is prefixed by '^' then the machine will not be connected to that space. For example, given the following:

--constraints spaces=db-space,^storage,^dmz,internal

the resulting instance will be connected to both the 'db-space' and 'internal' spaces, and not connected to either the 'storage' or 'dmz' spaces.

See the Network spaces page for details on spaces.

For a LXD cloud, to create a machine limited to two CPUs:

juju add-machine --constraints cores=2

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