Introduction to Juju charms
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Introduction to Juju Charms

The magic behind Juju is a collection of software components called Charms. They contain all the instructions necessary for deploying and configuring cloud-based applications. The charms publicly available in the online charm store represent the distilled DevOps knowledge of experts. Charms make it easy to reliably and repeatedly deploy applications, then scale up as required with minimal effort.

There are a variety of topics related to charms to be found in the left navigation pane under Charms. The three main topics you should get to know well are:

  • Deploying charms - which covers how to use charms to deploy applications where and how you want them
  • Charm relations - which covers connecting applications together
  • Scaling - how to seamlessly scale up (or down) your deployed applications.


This section will take you through some of the common operations you will want to perform with Juju. By no means will we be using all the features of Juju, but you should gain an understanding of:

  • How to deploy a charm
  • Relating applications
  • Exposing applications
  • Scaling up applications
  • Removing units
  • Removing applications
  • Destroying your model

Important: These instructions assume that you have already added credentials for your cloud. If you have not yet done this, please see Cloud credentials first. You can also learn about clouds on the central Clouds page.

A 'default' model is created automatically when you create a controller and it's the model that will be used here. The controller used here is named 'gce-test' and is based on the Google Compute Engine.

We are going to set up a simple MediaWiki site, then prepare it for high traffic, before scaling it back and finally removing it altogether.

Deploying the charms

For a MediaWiki site, we will need the 'mediawiki' charm from the charm store. We can deploy that to our model like this:

juju deploy mediawiki

Now, the Mediawiki application needs a database to store information in. There are several appropriate charms we could use, but for this walkthrough we will use MariaDB:

juju deploy mariadb

It may take a few minutes for Juju to actually fetch these charms from the store, create new machines to put them on and install them, but as soon as the command returns we are free to do other things, while Juju continues working in the background.

As we said at the beginning, we are going to scale up this application to cope with a lot of traffic. To do that we will use a common TCP/HTTP load balancing application, HAProxy, so we should also deploy a charm for that now:

juju deploy haproxy

After a while if you check what your model currently contains by running...

juju status should see something like this:

Model    Controller  Cloud/Region     Version  SLA
default  gce-test    google/us-east1  2.3.1    unsupported

App        Version  Status   Scale  Charm      Store       Rev  OS      Notes
haproxy             unknown      1  haproxy    jujucharms   41  ubuntu
mariadb    10.1.30  active       1  mariadb    jujucharms    7  ubuntu
mediawiki  1.19.14  blocked      1  mediawiki  jujucharms   19  ubuntu

Unit          Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
haproxy/1*    unknown   idle   5
mariadb/1*    active    idle   4          ready
mediawiki/0*  blocked   idle   3          Database required

Machine  State    DNS             Inst id        Series  AZ          Message
3        started   juju-5b2986-3  trusty  us-east1-b  RUNNING
4        started   juju-5b2986-4  trusty  us-east1-c  RUNNING
5        started  juju-5b2986-5  xenial  us-east1-d  RUNNING

Relation provider  Requirer         Interface     Type  Message
haproxy:peer       haproxy:peer     haproxy-peer  peer
mariadb:cluster    mariadb:cluster  mysql-ha      peer

Adding relations

The applications may now be running, but they have no idea of the existence of each other, and aren't connected in any meaningful way. In order for MediaWiki to make use of the MariaDB database for a backend, you need to add a relation between them.

juju add-relation mediawiki:db mariadb

Normally, we only need to reference the applications by name. In this case, we also need to add the interface that we would like to connect, as there are two potential ways these charms could be connected.

Behind the scenes, the charms that control these applications will now contact each other and exchange information. In this case, the MediaWiki charm requests a new database to be created; MariaDB obliges, and gives the MediaWiki charm the credentials it needs to be able to access this database.

The other relation we need to add is between MediaWiki and the HAProxy application.

HAProxy will provide loadbalancing for traffic to MediaWiki, but it needs to know where the various MediaWiki applications are on the network. At this stage there is only one, but that will change shortly.

juju add-relation haproxy mediawiki

Now that the relations are set up, there is one more thing to do before the MediaWiki site is "live".

Exposing the site

By default, Juju is very secure. Juju itself, and the applications it deploys can see the other applications in your cloud, but nothing and nobody else can. This isn't much use for a web application we want users to connect to, but Juju can easily make these applications public. With its understanding of the underlying cloud, Juju can make whatever firewall changes are necessary to expose these applications to the wider world:

juju expose haproxy

The below final output to juju status represents a successful deployment of the stack:

Model    Controller  Cloud/Region     Version  SLA
default  gce-test    google/us-east1  2.3.1    unsupported

App        Version  Status   Scale  Charm      Store       Rev  OS      Notes
haproxy             unknown      1  haproxy    jujucharms   41  ubuntu  exposed
mariadb    10.1.30  active       1  mariadb    jujucharms    7  ubuntu
mediawiki  1.19.14  active       1  mediawiki  jujucharms   19  ubuntu

Unit          Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports   Message
haproxy/1*    unknown   idle   5  80/tcp
mariadb/1*    active    idle   4           ready
mediawiki/0*  active    idle   3   80/tcp  Ready

Machine  State    DNS             Inst id        Series  AZ          Message
3        started   juju-5b2986-3  trusty  us-east1-b  RUNNING
4        started   juju-5b2986-4  trusty  us-east1-c  RUNNING
5        started  juju-5b2986-5  xenial  us-east1-d  RUNNING

Relation provider  Requirer              Interface     Type     Message
haproxy:peer       haproxy:peer          haproxy-peer  peer
mariadb:cluster    mariadb:cluster       mysql-ha      peer
mariadb:db         mediawiki:db          mysql         regular
mediawiki:website  haproxy:reverseproxy  http          regular

Relation  Provides  Consumes   Type
peer      haproxy   haproxy    peer
website   haproxy   mediawiki  regular
cluster   mariadb   mariadb    peer
db        mariadb   mediawiki  regular

Our MediaWiki site is now exposed via HAProxy. You can check this by pointing your browser to the IP address of HAProxy visible in the above output. In this example, it is A confirmation will be in the form of MediaWiki's main page appearing, containing the message 'MediaWiki has been successfully installed'.

Scaling up

One of Juju's great strengths is that it makes it easy to scale your application to meet fluctuations in demand. We're going to demonstrate this with with the MediaWiki application we've just deployed. Scale is handled by adding and removing units, and you can add 5 units simply with the following command:

juju add-unit -n 5 mediawiki

When you now check the output of the juju status mediawiki command, you'll see that 5 newly provisioned machines have been deployed to run MediaWiki. However, the load balancing is being performed by HAProxy, which is distributing any incoming connections to your cluster of MediaWiki machines, and the complexity of these added connections is being handled automatically by Juju.

Scaling back

Reducing the scale of a deployment is almost as simple as increasing the scale, although you need to specify which specific units to remove. We currently have a total of 6 units assigned to MediaWiki, for example, as can be seen in the output of the juju status mediawiki command:

Unit          Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address   Ports   Message
mediawiki/0*  active    idle   3    80/tcp  Ready
mediawiki/1   active    idle   6  80/tcp  Ready
mediawiki/2   active    idle   7    80/tcp  Ready
mediawiki/3   active    idle   8     80/tcp  Ready
mediawiki/4   active    idle   9    80/tcp  Ready
mediawiki/5   active    idle   10   80/tcp  Ready

To scale back our deployment, use the remove-unit command followed by the unit ID of each unit you'd like to remove:

juju remove-unit mediawiki/3 mediawiki/4 mediawiki/5

A hidden part of the above process is that the machines the units were running on will be destroyed automatically if the machine is not a controller and not hosting other Juju managed containers.

Removing applications

If you no longer require MediaWiki, you can remove the entire application, along with all the units and machines used to operate the application, with a single command:

juju remove-application mediawiki

When the removal has completed, you should see no trace of 'mediawiki' in the output of juju status, nor any of the units and machines that were used to run the application.

Destroying the model

Finally, to complete this brief walkthrough, we're going to remove the model we've used to host our applications. If this is a fresh Juju installation, you will have been operating within the 'default' model that's automatically generated when you bootstrap the environment. You can check which models you have available, along with which one is active, marked by the * symbol, with the juju models command. Your output should be similar to the following:

Controller: gce-test

Model       Cloud/Region     Status     Machines  Cores  Access  Last connection
controller  google/us-east1  available         1      4  admin   just now
default*    google/us-east1  available         2      2  admin   4 minutes ago

To remove the 'default' model we've been using for the MediaWiki deployment, type juju destroy-model default and accept the warning that this step will destroy all machines, applications, data and other resources associated with that model. A few moments later you should find it no longer listed in the output of the juju models command.

If you want to start again with a clean model, restoring Juju to the state it was in before we deployed the MediaWiki charm, you can re-create the 'default' model with: juju add-model default.

For more information on the subjects we've covered here, see our documentation on deploying charms, charm relations and scaling deployed applications.